The Portland Tarot 23 Card Major Arcana Deck

The Portland Tarot 23 Card Major Arcana Deck
One rainy, fall day, Portland artist and Tarotist Theresa Pridemore was inspired to create a totally modern, perfectly Portland Tarot. The cards—bloomed from Theresa’s love of The City of Roses—capture Portland’s quirky spirit and feature people who exemplify its soul.
Whimsical and profound, The Portland Tarot is as relevant to new readers as it is to those who’ve been around the Tarot block. Just quiet your mind, shuffle, and let this 23-card Major Arcana deck guide you to fresh insights—with just the right amount of weird.
Comes with a 64-page guide that instructs on the basics of reading Tarot and offers card layouts and interpretations. Use the three accompanying Portland Bridge cards to help focus your readings.
Made in Oregon
Real Feedback I’ve Received from Customers:
It’s the first Tarot deck I ever bought. It felt friendly and accessible.
My wife and I moved to Portland a year ago because of this deck.
I keep this deck in my bedside table, next to my sex toys. That’s how essential it is to me.