Posts tagged high vibe business
A Message from "Future You"

I want to talk about the relationship between the Now You and the Future You.

Like all Magicians and Manifestresses such as yourself, I love to take time to envision big things for my future. (Better yet, I love to create them!)

Since I was a young girl, I dreamed vividly about who I would become. And some of those things I am still quite certain are part of the self-chosen Destiny I’d selected before incarnating on Earth.

I'm guessing you have the same sense of having a deeper Calling.

Part of my daily ritual is to spend time connecting with the future me; she always sends love-beams and "atta girls" back through time.

She says:

"Thank you for showing up. Thank you for making my incredible life possible."

She is a great source of inspiration and cheerleading for me.

I didn’t always listen to her. I used to focus more on what could go wrong, rather than what it would feel like to show up daily to make my goals real.

That shadowy expectation often consumed my creative life force and took me away from the real work of regular expression and visibility—the first true manifestations of an unfolding Destiny.

Maybe you’ve felt the same way from time to time. Maybe sometimes, like me, you get an inkling of how the Future You could feel cared for by the positive actions Now You is taking today.

Here’s what I now know to be true:

You have to show up every day to take the steps to replace fear and confusion with feelings of confidence, self-belief, and the right to your self-expression.

When you do, you create a more fertile garden in which to grow the Future You.

You have to believe your dreams are valid enough to share them with others and ask for support. To invest the time, energy, and resources in making them real.

To make the sacred commitment to Now You and Future You.

Sometimes it seems like daunting work, but establishing a new normal can be simpler than you think. All it takes is one perspective shift to help you see all the possibilities that were once blocked from view.

If you don’t sit around and wait for the download and choose to start exploring that path now, you will get there so much faster than those who don’t.

And if you suspect that the next thing is in reach and you are ready to manifest it in your lived reality—if you need some support to channel all those big ideas into a plan that you feel excited to implement—I would love to be a guide on your path.

Here’s the good news. I have an incredible FREE resource to share with you that can start your path to greater clarity and abundance right now!

Sign up now for my HIGH VIBE VISIBILITY SECRETS FOR HEALERS, COACHES & LIGHTWORKERS program, where you’ll get access to my powerful, FREE video training series for Spirit-led entrepreneurs who are ready to amplify their brand, expand their earning potential, and find a heart-led way in to enjoying greater visibility.

I’ve already received tremendous feedback from the people who’ve joined this journey… The upleveling of consciousness and business expansion and opportunity has been off the charts amazing.

I fully anticipate if you jump into the program and follow through on the powerful content, you can fully anticipate a hearty “Thank you!” from your Future Self.

From my higher self to yours…

I hope you join us in the rising tide of high vibe business consciousness.
