I’ve been at this awhile and I’m always delighted and amazed by the awesome qualities my clients have in common.
My clients are wildly feminine, powerful, strong. They aren’t fucking around. They have work to do and they are here to do it.
They are in touch with their femininity in an empowered, embodied way and aren’t trying to fit some prescribed mold so they can fit into a male-centric world.
They are blazing a trail and damned proud to be doing it.
They aren’t shrinking violets.
They are open to feedback and wisdom, while honoring their own discernment.
They are ready to learn new things and dive right in.
They have a passion and a mission and are ready to be seen for their gifts (even if they've shied away from the spotlight in the past.)
They are either technically confident or not afraid to dive into that world deeper to get things done that matter to them.
They are the queens and high priestesses of their own business.
They are always in touch with their changing selves and ready to dive into and evolve themselves and their business with each new iteration of their mission and personal identity.
Does this sound like you? Here are the qualities that tend to match a person who is at a time where they are really ready to begin working with me.
You may be...
...an entrepreneur working in a holistic or spirit-centric realm.
Whether you are a wellness practitioner, aspirational speaker, professional intuitive, business-minded creative, or specialized coach, you need to partner with someone who not only gets your work, but also honors your gifts, modalities, and wisdom.
...looking into finding ways to create a brand and online business platform to support recurring revenue streams and online programs.
You’ve done the hour-to-hour model and are looking for a more balanced way to earn income, serve more people, and spend more quality time in your business and life. You need to get some guidance in how to achieve that and how all the pieces go into place to make you truly successful in your endeavor.
...ready to step into a brand image that really matches you now, that you can manage on your own.
While you know you have enough tech savvy to figure things out on your own to re-vision your web presence in a workable, "get you by" way, you want someone to help you choose the right tools for you and your goals. Maybe you need a bit of guidance on the right approach for you, the myriad technical tools available, the creative execution. Perhaps you could use a professional perspective on messaging, funnels, program building, and design. I specialize in guiding you step by step in a low-pressure, easy-to-grasp process that leaves you feeling empowered as well as supported.
...convinced that abundance and heart-led work go hand in hand.
You know you have to fill your own cup in order to be in service to others, and you are ready to invest in taking your business to that next level. You know that, with the right tools that communicate clearly and powerfully, you can attract even more of your perfect clients and customers and charge the rates that you know you deserve.
What Is it Like to Take the Brand Journey?
A CLIENT Perspective
Here is a client I’d love to introduce you to: Mari Saint-Pierre, Transformational Astrologer. She took the full Soul Brand Journey ( a program I once offered that was the pre-cursor to my current Soul Brand Secrets group program) and we co-created a truly authentic Online Temple of Attraction and brought a deep awareness to her gifts, goals, and creative leanings that resulted in a beautiful expression of her business.
Other Satisfied Co-Creators
If you'd like to see more testimonials to the process and my work, please take this opportunity to meet and and hear from past co-creators.